Jonathan Silveira is a Toronto-based artist, designer and educator from Toronto, Ontario specializing and creative coding for story telling interactive media. Focusing on productions using real-time rendering, Game engines Motion capture.

Currently, He is an Instructor at OCAD University in the Digital Futures program and a member of The Public Visualization Lab, a cross-institution research lab branching from York U, OCADU and TMU. His work at the PVL has been in the production of content and tools for artists, designers, and communities for public installations and exhibitions  such as Everything In Its Place, 2017 (Reel Asian Film Festival, Toronto.), Diagrams of Power, 2018 (Onsite Gallery, Toronto), Passing through the Heart, 2020 (ISEA International conference) and Nuit Live: Online Archive Activation, 2020 (Nuit Blanche, Toronto)

Jonathan received an MA from York University in the Digital New Media program, and a BDes in Graphic Design from the Ontario College of Art and Design University. Jonathan’s personal work and research interest are in exploring the intersection of narrative, game engines, cinematics, and interactive immersive productions. 


York University, Toronto CA
Masters of Arts, Digital Media (2020-2022)

Ontario College of Art & Design University, Toronto CA
Bachelor of Design, Graphic Design (2012-2017)

Awards and Scholarships

SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Master's Scholarships,

York University Graduate Fellowship,
Masters, 2020-2022

Skills and Programs

Interactive software development:
TouchDesigner, Unreal Engine, Processing

Web development:
HTML, CSS, Javascript, P5.js, Nodejs, Express, MongoDB, Heroku

Adobe Creative Suite, Blender, Maya, Python, OpenCV


Pivot 2021: Virtual Conference, 2021
Content Editor, Virtual Conference

Pass Again Through The Heart: Gesture, Memory, And Food, 2020
Research Assistant, ISEA 2020 Live Stream

Nuit Blanche Toronto, 2020
Creative Technologist, Nuit Live Stream, Youtube.

2020 Emerging Digital Artists Award, 2020
Website Designer. Online Exhibition: Trinity Square Video Online.

Performing Lives. Trinity Square Video Online, 2020
Website Designer. Online Exhibition: Trinity Square Video Online.

Traversal Residency Series: The Objects That We Carry with Lorena Salomé, 2019
Research Assistant, 121–401 Richmond Street West, Toronto, CA

Gathering Across Moana, 2019
Exhibition Technician, 121–401 Richmond Street West, Toronto, CA

Diagrams Of Power, 2018
Research Assistant, 205 Richmond St W, Toronto, CA

Reel Asian Film Festival, 2017
Research Assistant, 401 Richmond St W, Toronto, CA

If you have a project or collaboration that you're passionate about, Please feel free to get in touch!